Monday, January 31, 2011

5 Perbezaan Cinta Dan Nafsu

Ini dia 5 Perbezaan cinta dan nafsu. Cara mudah membezakan cinta dan nafsu agar tidak tersalah tafsir. Sering sekali kita mendengar ada orang bertanya “apa perbezaan antara cinta dan nafsu?”. “Bagaimana membezakan antara cinta dan nafsu?’. atau yang lebih parah “cinta dan nafsu itu sama tak?”
Bagi sebahagian orang, mereka mengatakan cinta dan nafsu itu sama saja. Tapi tidak menurut saya. Buat saya peribadi cinta dan nafsu jelas dua hal yang berbeza. Meski perbezaannya sangat tipis, mungkin itu yang membuat orang sering tersalah tafsir, tidak bisa membezakan mana nafsu, mana cinta..?

1. Cinta itu membahagiakan, Nafsu itu membahayakan Cinta yang sebenarnya selalu menunjukkan jalan atau arah menuju kebahagiaan bagi orang-orang yang menjalaninya. Seorang pecinta yang sudah menemukan dan memahami makna cinta sejati dalam dirinya akan berada pada kondisi yang membahagiakan. Sebaliknya, orang-orang yang terkecoh dengan nafsu dan menganggap nafsu adalah cinta akan berada dalam kondisi yang membahayakan. Kita tidak bisa memungkiri, di mana ada kebaikan, di situlah setan menggoda manusia agar terjerumus ke dalam keburukan.
Cinta dan nafsu seperti dua sisi dari mata wang yang sama. Cinta adalah sisi positif, nafsu adalah sisi negatif dan wang itu adalah hubungan. Seseorang yang mencintai pasangannya dengan sebenar-benarnya cinta akan mengarahkan hubungannya menuju kebahagiaan sejati dengan cara menjaga dan menyayangi pasangannya. Tanpa bermaksud untuk merosak dan menyakiti. Lain halnya dengan orang-orang yang menjalin hubungan dengan landasan nafsu, mereka akan membawa hubungannya kearah kebahagiaan yang sementara dan hanya berorientasi pada fizikal, dalam hal ini seks. Yang justru akan menjerumuskan mereka ke dalam situasi yang membahayakan.

Cuba lah, kita meluangkan waktu untuk berfikir sejenak. Apakah hubungan yang sedang kita jalani dengan pasangan sekarang ini berorientasi pada kebahagiaan sejati atau hanya kebahagiaan duniawi yang sementara..?
2. Cinta bikin kita ketawa, Nafsu bikin kita kecewa Kalau diibaratkan hubungan seperti sawah, maka cinta adalah padi dan nafsu adalah rumput liar. Nah, ketika ketika seseorang menanam padi (cinta) di sawah (hubungan) maka secara otomatis akan tumbuh juga rumput liar (nafsu). Kalau orang itu sudah mengetahui dan memahami apa itu padi (apa itu cinta), maka dia akan segera memangkas rumput liar itu (nafsu) yang tumbuh di sawahnya (hubungan). Ketika tiba masa menuai, orang ini akan menuai hasil sawahnya (hubungan) yang ditanami padi (cinta) itu tadi berupa buah padi (kebahagiaan) . Lain dengan orang-orang yang tersalah tafsir yang menyangka rumput liar (nafsu) sebagai padi (cinta). Mereka akan memelihara rumput liar (nafsu) dan tanaman padinya (cinta) akan mati. Pada saat menuai, tentu yang mereka dapat hanyalah sekarung rumput liar (nafsu) yang tidak enak dimakan (kekecewaan) .
Di sinilah kita perlu bertanya kepada hati kita sendiri, apakah hubungan yang kita jalani dengan pasangan sudah bisa membuat kita ketawa atau hanya serangkaian kekecewaan yang kita dapat..? Kalau yang kita dapat hanya kecewa dan kecewa, ada baiknya untuk kita mengkaji ulang, apakah apakah hubungan yang kita jalani berlandaskan cinta atau nafsu..?

3. Cinta selalu ingin memberi, Nafsu hanya ingin diberi Saya rasa maksud dari point ketiga ini sudah jelas. Cinta adalah memberi. Ketika seseorang menjalin hubungan atas dasar cinta maka hal pertama yang dilakukannya adalah memberikan yang terbaik kepada pasangannya, bukan ingin diberi. Logikanya, kalau kita dan pasangan sama-sama ingin memberi (kita ingin memberi kepada pasangan dan pasangan ingin memberi kepada kita) secara otomatis keduanya akan menerima. Tapi kalau kita dan pasangannya inginnya diberi (pasangan ingin diberi dan kita juga ingin diberi) lalu siapa yang akan memberi..? Pada akhirnya yang terjadi justru tidak ada yang akan diberi karena tidak ada yang ingin memberi. Cuba dipikirkan lagi..!
4. Cinta ingin menyayangi, Nafsu ingin menggerayangi Haiyo… !!!! Bagaimana cara kamu memperlakukan pasanganmu? Dan bagaimana cara pasanganmu memperlakukan kamu? Ini adalah cara termudah untuk membezakan mana cinta, mana nafsu..?

Landasan seseorang dalam menjalin hubungan akan sangat menentukan pada bagaimana cara orang tersebut memperlakukan pasangannya. Orang yang menjalin hubungan dengan landasan cinta akan senantiasa memperlakukan pasangannya dengan cara-cara yang baik. Menjaga, menyayangi, memperhatikan dan selalu memberikan yang terbaik. Sebaliknya orang orang yang menjalin hubungan kerana nafsu cenderung memperlakukan pasangan ke arah fizikal. Setiap kali bertemu, inginnya menciumi dan diciumi, setiap kali berdua inginnya dipeluk dan memeluk, digerayangi dan menggerayangi, dan yang lebih parah lagi kalau sampai kearah hubungan seks. Waaaah… , bahaya, bahaya… !!!
5. Cinta yang terbaik, Nafsu yang terbalik Cinta selalu berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik, berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk pasangan dan selalu memperlakukan pasangan dengan cara-cara yang baik. Bagaimana dengan nafsu..? Sebaliknya, nafsu...

Nah, semoga bahasan diatas dapat memberi kita sedikit gambaran mengenai selalu ingin diberi dan cenderung memperlakukan pasangan ke arah yang menyesatkan. perbezaan antara nafsu dan cinta. Sehingga kita semua tidak terjerumus kedalam hubungan yang penuh nafsu.

Chinese New Year Notice

2011 - The year of the Rabbit

The Management of Ilham Nurul Resources would like to wishes all our clients,staff,business alliances,suppliers and everyone that celebrating.Happy Chinese New Year 2011 and Happy Holiday.Drive safely while traveling.
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Chinese New Year

Year Of The Rabbit

rabbitA placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.

Good taste and refinement will shine on everything and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. A congenial time in which diplomacy, international relations and politics will be given a front seat again. We will act with discretion and make reasonable concessions without too much difficulty.

A time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair their effectiveness and sense of duty.

Law and order will be lax; rules and regulations will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. They are busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. The scene is quiet and calm, even deteriorating to the point of somnolence. We will all have a tendency to put off disagreeable tasks as long as possible

Money can be made without too much labor. Our life style will be languid and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for. A temperate year with unhurried pace. For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.


A person born in the year of the Rabbit possesses one of the most fortunate of the twelve animal signs.
The Rabbit, or Hare as he is referred to in Chinese mythology, is the emblem of longevity and is said to derive his essence from the Moon.

When a Westerner gazes at the Moon, he may joke that it is a ball of cheese or tell a child the story of the Man in the Moon. When a Chinese looks at the Moon, he sees the Moon Hare standing near a rock under a Cassia tree and holding the Elixir of Immortality in his hands.

During the Chinese mid-Autumn festival when the Moon is supposed to be at its loveliest, Chinese children still carry lighted paper lanterns made in the image of a Rabbit and climb the hills to observe the Moon and admire the Moon Hare.

The Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel kindness and sensitivity to beauty. His soft speech and graceful and nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat or seasoned politician.

Likewise, a person born under this sign will lead a tranquil life, enjoying peace, quiet and a congenial environment. He is reserved and artistic and possesses good judgment. His thoroughness will also make him a good scholar. He will shine in the fields of law, politics and government.

But he is also inclined to be moody; at such times he appears detached from his environment or indifferent to people.

The Rabbit is extremely lucky in business and monetary transactions. Astute at striking bargains, he can always pop up with a suitable proposal or alternative to benefit himself. His sharp business acumen, coupled with his knack for negotiation, will ensure him a fast rise in any career.

Although the Rabbit may assume an outer air of indifference to the opinions of others, he actually withers under criticism. His "rather switch than fight" technique can be deceiving and he can be diabolically cunning when he puts his mind to it. So while the Rabbit person is tender and obliging to his loved ones, he can be superficial and even ruthless in his dealings with outsiders. Suave and self-indulgent, he enjoys his creature comforts and likes to put his own wishes first. It irks him terribly to be inconvenienced for he is a considerate, modest and thoughtful person and he would like others to be the same. He sincerely believes it costs people nothing to be nice to each other and he will always make an effort to be civil, even to his worst enemy. He abhors brawling and any sort of overt animosity.

For all his quiet and misleadingly docile nature, a Rabbit person possesses a strong will and an almost narcissistic self-assurance. He pursues his objectives with methodical precision but always in an unobtrusive manner. If there is anything he isn't going to be accused of, it is that he is an obvious or thick-skinned person. He won't make waves. The special trait that makes the Rabbit person a formidable negotiator is his inscrutability. It is difficult ever to assess his thoughts correctly.

The Rabbit usually has impeccable manners. He seldom uses harsh words and will never resort to foul language or vulgarisms to bring home a point. There is little need to anyway, as he has his own techniques. The Rabbit could hide under this cloak of decency to undermine his opponents. His credentials are usually flawless or at least in good order. He will wine and dine you in the best places and cater to your every whim when he is after something. Then, when you have eaten your fill and are puffing away contentedly at that expensive cigar, he will pull out the contract for you to sign. Before you know it, he has cut you off at the knees. He was so deft, you didn't even feel any pain. It was all over with the stroke of a pen. My sympathies are with you, friend. You are just another victim of the incomparable Hare. Now do you understand why Bugs Bunny always gets his carrots in all those cartoon strips?

The Rabbit may appear a bit slow or overly deliberate at times, but this is due to his inborn sense of caution and discretion. One can be sure he is going to read the fine print before signing any document. Because of his ability to assess people and situations, the Rabbit can afford to be conceited--which, by the way, he is.

The demure Ms. Rabbit is very considerate and understanding with her friends: a great gal to work with, shop with or just tell stories with. She is delightfully warm and witty and her company is always relaxing. She has a lot of energy for the things she likes to do and can tirelessly track down antique shops or plan a friend's wedding to the last detail. But when she feels she has had enough of all that rigmarole, well, you can expect her to drop whatever she is doing, prop up her dainty feet and go all limp. That is the philosophical part of the Rabbit. Do you know why she can keep so serene with all that frantic action going on? The secret is to know when your batteries need recharging, and no one has better knowledge or timing on this than the Rabbit.

While everyone is killing himself in a mad rush to get somewhere, the Rabbit knows that the world will still be here tomorrow. So, what's the big hurry? Why don't you sit down, too? She will probably make you a nice cup of tea and help you forget all about that crazy rat race outside.

In any situation, you can always rely on the Rabbit to be in control of herself. She will notice the license number of the getaway car or remember that the driver was wearing camel-colored trousers or elevator shoes. And while you are at the police station filing that report, she will calmly recall all the details and help you answer all those irritating questions.

All in all, the Rabbit is one who really knows how to live. What's more, he or she is more than willing to let live. Not a spoilsport or disciplinarian with an ever-watchful eye, the Rabbit knows when to refrain from criticism. He never likes to embarrass anyone in public. He is adept at the art of saving face, both yours and his, and if there is any way he can spare your feelings, he will.

Have no doubt--he makes mental notes of your mistakes or progress. But if things are not serious or beyond redemption, he will goodheartedly let you pass. For this trait, he is well-liked and popular. An advantage of this philosophy is that the Rabbit makes few enemies and thus rarely gets into trouble. People respond by being generous to him and letting him pass, too.

No one has a more sympathetic ear to lend you than the Rabbit (except the Sheep) should you need one. But while he is an excellent soother and compassionate listener, he will only take the role of a passive advisor. He is, above all, an intellectual, a realist and a pacifist. Do not expect him to go out with all colors flying and do battle for you. That would be asking too much of him. Let's face it, the Rabbit will never elect to trudge up Mount Calvary with you, no matter what great buddies you two claim to be. He'll lend you the money for the lawyer or bail you out of jail if he can afford it, but that's about all. And if you are getting to be too much of a nuisance, you can count on his making a quick but graceful exit from your life.

The comely and refined Miss Rabbit will not be adverse to marrying a good old-fashioned millionaire instead of a handsome but penniless swain. The former will be able to provide her with the advantages and luxuries she demands as necessities. Her man must be powerful enough to protect and support her in style, and sensitive enough to politely disappear when she is in a sullen mood and wishes to remain undisturbed.

When given the choice, the Rabbit will vote for the easy and good life every time. He or she will wear loose comfortable clothing of superb cut and fabric. Cashmere sweaters, pure silk blouses and durable linens and tweeds. A mink or chinchilla carelessly thrown over the shoulder in a calculated air of nonchalance could also identify the elegant Rabbit native. Flashy, geometric or shocking designs offend the Rabbit's sense of conformity and balance.

While gracious to friends and coworkers, the Rabbit person may be somewhat distant from his own family or simply bored by domestic routine and duties. He or she hates too close associations; he will shake off an encroachment on his privacy or clinging parasitic friends with no regret. He can be bureaucratic and hedgy over difficult issues. As he is one who hates binding commitments or over-involvement, he can also be an expert at passing the buck.

Mr. Rabbit is singularly debonair. He moves with grace, charm and gentlemanliness, in spite of the fact that while he was singing your praises, he was also drinking all your best wine. Yes, the Rabbit gravitates toward the cream of society and gentlemanly leisure. On second thought, the cream of high society could well be made up of poised and genial Hares.

At his best, the Rabbit is admired for his suaveness and intelligence and sought after for his sensible advice. At his worst, he is too imaginative, oversensitive or just acidly indifferent. He avoids coming into contact with human suffering or misery, as though it were some highly contagious disease.

The Rabbit is not at all easy to trap. He can also become very repressive in his predilection for secrecy or privacy. When the Rabbit person feels threatened, his subtle brooding or concealed antagonism could be expressed by the use of subversive tactics. Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro and South Africa's Johannes Vorster are Rabbits. It is also worth noting that Thailand's King Bhumibol, admired and well-loved by his subjects for his exemplary life and devotion to music, art and domestic harmony, was born in the year of the Rabbit. So were King Olav V of Norway, Queen Victoria, Albert Einstein, David Rockefeller and David Frost.

For all his positive qualities, a native of this sign will still value himself above all else. When pushed too far, he will discard anything or anyone who dares upset the calm of his existence. His beliefs are known to be flexible and he has the knack of playing both sides for insurance. Security could be an obsession to the weaker types of this specimen; you rarely find a Rabbit in areas of high risk.

This love of ease coupled with his distaste for conflict may give the Rabbit a reputation for being weak, opportunistic and self-indulgent. Unlike the Dragon, Dog, Tiger, or Rooster, who all enjoy a hearty fight now and then, and may even thrive on it, the Rabbit has no relish for combat. He was not born to be a warrior. He is more effective working behind the scenes. Do not be concerned about the Rabbit's well-being. He is agile and sagacious and armed with the good sense to keep out of harm's way. Unlike other signs, who may pursue lofty ideals, the Rabbit's main objective in life is simply self-preservation.

The Rabbit year is said to bring peace or at least a respite from conflict or war. Likewise, its native will do everything in his power to restore harmony or he will leave the scene.

The Rabbit person makes a good entertainer and is a wonderful host. Pleasant and warm company, he has a good word to say of everyone. But don't let that fool you. He knows more than he will say and you can easily recognize him by his finesse. He will be the best of friends so long as you take care not to ask too much of him.

The well-groomed Rabbit is most compatible with those born in the Sheep year. They will share the same good taste and love of material comforts. Equally well suited will be a relationship with the Dog person or the honest, unimposing Roar native. The Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Ox, Snake and Rabbit will make good secondary matches for him. But he will not be able to tolerate the vanity or criticism of the Rooster, is unimpressed by the dramatics of the Tiger and unappreciative of the quick-tempered and mercurial ways of the Horse.

To sum it up, the Hare simply leaps over obstacles in his path and recovers from calamities with remarkable resilience. No matter how he is tossed, he lands on his feet. He may not be close to his family but will make every effort to provide them with the best of everything. His soft, vulnerable-looking exterior is protected by an armor of cautiousness and sagacity. In life, the Rabbit will avoid being drawn into conflict at any cost, unless, of course, it affects him directly, at which time he will take the appropriate measures to protect his interests.

There is no great inner struggle in the Rabbit's heart between the forces of good and evil. He believes in his own ability to survive, relies on his own judgment and is at peace with himself. His is the sign most apt to find happiness and contentment.

Petua Mengubat Hati Yang Luka

1. Lupakan Kenangan Pahit.
Mengaku sajalah yang anda sering merasa sedih sebab banyak kali mengingat kenangan pahit atau selalu kembali ke memori silam yang lalu. Mulai hari ini, tekad untuk melupakan semua itu, Bulatkan azam untuk memfokus kepada masa depan anda, cita-cita anda, keluarga, kerjaya, kewangan, keilmuan dan rakan-rakan. Anda tidak akan dapat melupakan kesemua memori pahit sekaligus, tetapi lakukan sedikit demi sedikit dengan mengalihkan perhatian anda kepada perkara lain. Proses ini mengambil masa, tetapi ia boleh dipercepatkan dengan disiplin diri.
2. Buang Sikap Risau.
Sikap risau boleh menarik nasib tidak baik, masalah dan musibah. Ia juga memberi kesan buruk pada kesihatan anda dari segi fizikal dan mental. Risau membuat anda selalu menjadi sedih dan kecewa, kadang-kadang rasa takut. Untuk buang sikap risau, belajar untuk bertenang dan latih diri anda mengawal emosi.
3. Belajar Menjadi Pemaaf.
Sikap pemaaf dapat membersihkan hati dari perasaan negatif dan emosi-emosi negatif seperti takut, sedih, kecewa. gusar, menyampah, marah, geram, cemburu, tak puas hati, dendam, busuk hati dan lain-lain.
Sebenarnya anda selalu rasa sedih dan kecewa kerana anda tidak memaafkan kesalahan diri anda di masa lalu ataupun anda tidak memaafkan kesalahan orang lain tehadap diri anda satu ketika dulu. Anda juga mungkin susah menerima hakikat perbuatan salah orang lain terhadap diri anda, yang membuat anda sedih, kecewa dan geram.

5. Ketawa, ketawa dan terus ketawa.

Ketawa bukan dibuat-buat, tapi biar ketawa yang benar-benar menggembirakan Anda dan menjadikan Anda girang. Tonton video yang lucu, baca cerita yang lucu, dekatkan diri anda dengan rakan-rakan yang lucu serta cari “funny side” dalam setiap situasi, agar Anda boleh ketawa secara automatik. Ketawa dapat menghilangkan sedih. Buat apa layan kecewa sedangkan anda boleh ketawa?
6. Ubah Fikiran
Kita tak boleh merubah situasi yang boleh membuat kita kecewa, sedih dan murung. Tapi, kita boleh merubah fikiran kita dan apa yang kita fikirkan tentang situasi-situasi tersebut walau seburuk manapun ia. Rahsianya, cari sinar mentari disebalik mendungnya awan. Walaupun perkara tidak berpihak kepada Anda, cari cara bagaimana Anda boleh jumpa nilai-nilai positif di dalamnya. Fikir yang baik-baik saja, kerana ia memberi keuntungan jangka masa panjang. Rezeki anda murah dan segala yang baik-baik datang sendiri pada Anda. Anda menjadi apa yang Anda selalu fikirkan. Buat apa fikir yang buruk sedangkan Anda boleh tarik semua yang baik-baik? Fikir yang buruk, Anda dapat yang buruk jawapnya. Ini hukum alam dinamakan hukum sebab dan akibat. Dalam kata yang lebih advance, itu hukum Law Of Attraction.
7. Hati Mesti ‘Keras’.
Bukan keras sembarangan, maksudnya kekerasan hati,kesabaran yang tinggi, pandai mengawal emosi dan menerima hakikat dengan hati terbuka. Allah menurunkan musibah, permasalahan dan macam-macam lagi bukan sekadar dugaan, tapi balasan pada perbuatan-perbuatan Anda di masa lalu. Buat baik, dibalas baik, begitu juga sebaliknya. Cuba ingat balik kejahatan kecil yang Anda lakukan pada orang lain, mungkin ada walau Anda tak sedar. Itulah perlunya kita bersikap baik dan berfikir yang baik-baik pada semua orang, benda, perkara, situasi dan keadaan. Sebelum masuk tidur, set minda untuk jadi ceria pada keesokan harinya. Lafazkan dengan nada berbisik. Relaks, jangan terlalu mendesak diri.
Selepas bangun tidur, katakan pada diri ini adalah hari yang baru untuk Anda.Tekadkan diri untuk menjadikan hari yang baru tu hari yang baik, sungguh baik, sebaik yang mungkin dari hari yang sebelumnya.

Guy Sebastian,Klang born singer, arrested at gunpoint in LA

Australian pop idol Guy Sebastian was arrested in Los Angeles earlier this week.

The Klang-born singer, who is currently residing in LA while trying to launch his US music career, was reportedly surrounded by officers at gunpoint and taken in handcuffs to the police station on suspicion of grand theft auto.

According to The Daily Telegraph, Sebastian had reported his car missing two weeks ago but soon realised that it had simply been towed away and later got it back.

A source revealed: "He was saying to the [police], 'Look, this is my car and I have recently reported it stolen'. [However] they still took him to the cop shop."

But he was released, of course, after he proved that it was his car.

Device that turns PC into porn TV

A new device, which enables users to receive TV programmes worldwide including pornographic channels, is selling like hot cakes in China.
The illegal USB flash drive, once plugged into a computer, could automatically scans the Internet for more than 5,000 channels across the world - all in high definition.
They can be found in Qiujiang Road - one of Shanghai's most popular locations for electrical products - with prices ranging from 30 to 180 yuan (RM14 – RM84), depending on the quality and number of channels received.
Some vendors also offer "special" TV USB drives that specifically scan adult channels with pornographic or extreme violence content.

Such products may retail for 200 yuan (RM93).
Certain enterprising vendors have even started bundling these with illegally modified WLAN cards that crack other Wi-Fi users' accounts to provide free Internet access.
On China's biggest online trading platform - - one vendor started to sell the pornographic TV USB drives several days ago.
Using pictures of scantily clad women to attract customers, the retailer hinted that men would especially like the channels that were on offer.
Shanghai Daily tested a 100-yuan (RM46) product said to be able to scan all the news channels across the world.
The software started to scan and buffer seconds after plugged into a computer but the videos could only be played in a very small player bundled with the device and the picture quality was poor.
Instead the USB drives are standard flash disks with special software that may also be downloaded and used on computers with Internet access.

Dinosours Captured In Kuala Lumpur

Experience the prehistoric world of dinosaurs at Pusat Sains Negara in Bukit Kiara KL.

Walk among recreations of these magnificent beasts in the Jurassic era.

Get up close and personal with 32 life-size dinosaurs including a 16-feet tyrannosaurus Rex and a 23-feet Apatosaurus.

To accommodate the Dinos Alive exhibition (on-going until May 31 2011), Pusat Sains Negara will be opened daily except on Sundays and public holidays

Tickets for kids from 4-17 years and students with Student ID are RM5.

Tickets for adults 18 and above are RM10.

There's also a family package, where two kids and two adults pay RM 25.

Pen song with Yuna via "Yuna Inspired"

Touched by 650,000-strong fans that she has on Facebook, Yuna is inviting her fans to pen a new song with her via her online show, Yuna Inspired.
Yuna is set to launch her international music career in US
Yuna is set to launch her international music career in US
"It's a fun project with my fans," enthuses the amazingly gifted folk-pop singer/songwriter. "Each week, I'm going to post a verse from my yet-to-be-completed new track and fans will have to fill in the missing lyrics."
Winners of the weekly challenge will join Yuna at a secret gig in KL in April.
"It's all about sharing creativity with my fans," she adds. "It's quite meaningful to add a verse to a song. It's nice use of the Internet too."
Yuna, Jojo Struys [2nd from left] and their sponsors strike a pose
Yuna, Jojo Struys [2nd from left] and their sponsors strike a pose
Yuna will handpick the best 20 lines. The most creative of the lot will walk away with her personally autographed guitar and be featured in her music video.
Endorsed by DiGi, Canon, MAS and Astro Hitz, the 24-webisode documentary also chronicles her musical journey , spanning across KL, London and New York.
"This is very exciting for me. I used to be a shy girl. It was hard for me to let go of my feelings - I wasn't even willing to tell people where I came from! But now, I've gotten more comfortable and confident with myself. I really like to share things with my fans, starting with my music."
Teased if her "special friend", singer/musician/TV host Qi will guest on the programme, Yuna says coyly, "Maybe. He's a good musician and a close pal."
Directed by Jojo Struys, Yuna Inspired will debut online on Feb 14. The first episode will also be aired on Astro Hitz (Channel 705) on Feb 27.
For more details, click

Bruno Mars in Kuala Lumpur

American singer-songwriter and music producer Bruno Mars is hot property on the charts.
Now, he is set for a concert at Merdeka Hall, PWTC in Kuala Lumpur on April 10.
The 25-year-old Hawaii-born pop superstar is another massive international name to hit Malaysia’s resurgent concert market.
The soulful Mars has also earned a whopping seven Grammy nominations this year, more than Lady Gaga.
Bruno Mars Musician/songwriter Bruno Mars performs onstage during the GRAMMY Nominations Concert Live at Club Nokia on December 1, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
One of those, in the category of Best Male Pop Vocal Performance, is for his hit single Just The Way You Are. The single established Mars as a star in his own right after years of working behind the scenes as a producer of other artistes’ songs.
Mars has been riding high with his debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans, released late last year.
In Malaysia, Mars’ singles Just The Way You, Greenade and Count On Me have also been dominating the airwaves and charts.
His Kuala Lumpur show is organised by Scenique Concerts. Ticket details will be announced in two days' time.

Egypt condemned for blocking media

Al Jazeera's license to broadcast from Egypt was revoked on Sunday as authorities cracked down on the media

International press institutes have come out strongly against Egyptian authorities’ suppression of the media, following the withdrawal of Al Jazeera’s license to broadcast from the North African country.
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) condemned on Sunday the information ministry’s move to shutdown Al Jazeera’s bureau in the country.
The CPJ described the move as an attempt to “disrupt media coverage by Al-Jazeera and calls on them to reverse the decision immediately”.
The official Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported that the order was to take effect on Sunday, and transmissions originating from Egypt ceased within an hour of the announcement. Nilesat, the satellite transmission company owned by Egyptian radio and television stopped the transmission of Al Jazeera’s primary channel and others.
Mohamed ElBaradei speaking in Cairo's Tahrir Sq.
Reporters without borders added to the condemnation of Egyptian authorities attempt to quell the media.
“By banning Al Jazeera, the government is trying to limit the circulation of TV footage of the six-day-old wave of protests,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-François Julliard said.
“Thus totally archaic decision is in completely contradiction with President Hosni Mubarak’s promise of ‘democratic’ measures on 28 January. It is also the exact opposite of the increase in freedom sought by the Egyptian population.”

Egyptian anti-government protesters face off with
'Press freedom violation'
The Doha Centre for Media Freedom also criticised the move, saying it was following with major concern the Egyptian authorities’ obstruction of local and foreign journalists from performing their duties in covering the unusual events currently taking place in the North African country.
"The DCMF considers the harassment a severe press freedom violation and urges the Egyptian authorities to respect international laws on freedom of expression and to allow Egyptian and foreign journalists to freely cover the current events there." DCMF said in a press released issued on Sunday.
The withdrawal of Al Jazeera’s license came on the fifth day of protests that gripped the country and follows the authorities’ attempts to control the flow of information after the internet and mobile phone services were suspended on Thursday.
egyptian woman and child in Tahrir
Mobile services were partly restored on Saturday, though the CPJ says that 90% of internet connections in the country remain disconnected.
Click to show "Hosni Mubarak" result 17
On Friday, Reporters without Borders condemned the arrest of four French journalists and around a dozen Egyptian journalists who had been arrested by authorities

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Siapakah Dajjal?

Dajjal adalah seorang manusia dari keturunan Yahudi. Dia bukan Jin atau apajua makhluk lain selain ia sebagai manusia yg ditangguhkan ajalnya “Minal Munzharin” seperti halnya Nabi Isa as yg di angkat oleh Allah swt ke atas langit dan ditangguhkan kematiannya sehingga beliau nantinya turun semula ke atas muka bumi ini lalu beliau akan mati dan di kuburkan di Madinah Al Munawwarah. Sama juga halnya dgn Iblis yg di tangguhkan kematiannya sehingga kiamat nanti.
Dajjal; ayahnya seorang yg tinggi dan gemuk. Hidungnya seperti Paruh burung. Sedangkan Ibunya pula seorang perempuan gemuk dan banyak dagingnya. MenurutImam Al Barzanji ada pendapat mengatakan bahawa asal keturunan bapanya ialah seorang Dukun Yahudi yg di kenali dgn “syaqq” manakala ibunya adalah dari bangsa Jin. Ia hidup di zaman Nabi Sulaiman as dan mempunyai hubungan dengan makhluk halus. Lalu oleh Nabi Sulaiman ia akhirnya ditangkap dan dimasukkan ke dalam penjara. Walau bagaimanapun kelahiran dan kehidupan masa keciltidak diketahui dgn jelas.

Sifat Badannya:

Hadis Huzaifah r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: Dajjal ialah orang yang buta matanya sebelah kiri, lebat (panjang) rambutnya serta dia mempunyai Syurga dan Neraka. Nerakanya itu merupakan Syurga dan Syurganya pula ialah Neraka (Hadis Sahih Muslim)
Ada beberapa ciri perawakan Dajjal yg disebutkan dalam Hadis Rasulullahsaw, diantaranya:
Seorang yg kelihatannya masih muda; Berbadan Besar dan agak kemerah-merahan; Rambutnya kerinting dan tebal. Kelihatan dari belakang seolah-olah dahan kayu yg rimbun.

Dan tandanya yg paling ketara sekali ada dua:Pertama: Buta mata kirinya dan kelihatan seperti buah kismis yg kecut, manakala mata kanannya tertonjol keluar kehijau-hijauan berkelip-kelip laksana bintang. Jadi kedua-dua matanya adalah cacat.Kedua: Tertulis didahinya tulisan “Kafir (Kaf-Fa-Ra)”. Tulisan ini dapat dibaca oleh setiap org Islam, sama ada ia pandai membaca atau tidak. Mengikut hadis riwayat At-Thabrani, kedua-dua tanda ini menjelma dalam diri Dajjal setelah ia mengaku sebagai Tuhan. Adapun sebelum itu, kedua-dua tandayg terakhir ini belum ada pada dirinya.

Tempat Tinggalnya Sekarang:

Menurut riwayat yg sahih yg disebutkan dlm kitab “Shahih Muslim”, bahawa Dajjal itu sudah wujud sejak beberapa lama. Ia dirantai di sebuah pulau dan ditunggu oleh seekor binatang yg bernama “Al-Jassasah”. Terdapat hadis mengenainya.. (tetapi terlalu panjang utk ditulis.. anda boleh membaca terus dari buku). Daripada Hadis ini jelaslah bagi kita bahawa Dajjal itu telah ada dan ia menunggu masa yg diizinkan oleh Allah swt utk keluar menjelajah permukaan bumi ini dan tempat “transitnya” itu ialah disebelah Timur bukan di Barat.

Berapa lama ia akan hidup setelah kemunculannya:

Dajjal akan hidup setelah ia memulakan cabarannya kepada umat ini, selama empat puluh hari sahaja. Namun begitu, hari pertamanya adalah sama dgn setahun dan hari kedua sama dengan sebulan dan ketiga sama dengan satuminggu dan hari-hari baki lagi sama seperti hari-hari biasa. Jadi keseluruhan masa Dajjal membuat fitnah dan kerosakan itu ialah 14 bulan dan 14 hari. Dalam Hadis riwayat Muslim ada disebutkan:
Kami bertanya: “Wahai Rasulullah! Berapa lamakah ia akan tinggal di muka bumi ini? Nabi saw, menjawab: Ia akan tinggal selama empat puluh hari. Hari yg pertama seperti setahun dan hari berikutnya seperti sebulan dan hari ketiga seperti seminggu. Kemudian hari yg masih tinggal lagi (yaitu 37 hari) adalah sama seperti hari kamu yg biasa. Lalu kami bertanya lagi: Wahai Rasulullah saw! Di hari yg panjang seperti setahun itu, apakah cukup bagi kami hanya sembahyang sehari sahaja (iaitu 5 waktu sahaja). Nabi saw menjawab: Tidak cukup. Kamu mesti mengira hari itu dgn menentukan kadar yg bersesuaian bagi setiap sembahyang..”
Maksud Sabdaan Rasulullah saw, ini ialah supaya kita mengira jam yg berlalu pada hari itu. Bukan mengikut perjalanan matahari seperti biasanya kitalakukan. Misalnya sudah berlalu tujuh jam selepas sembahyang Subuh pada hariitu maka masuklah waktu sembahyang Zohor, maka hendaklah kita sembahyangZohor, dan apabila ia telah berlalu selepas sembahyang Zohor itu tiga jam setengah misalnya, maka masuklah waktu Asar, maka wajib kita sembahyang Asar Begitulah seterusnya waktu Sembahyang Maghrib, Isyak dan Subuh seterusnya hingga habis hari yg panjang itu sama panjangnya dgn masa satu tahun dan bilangan sembahyang pun pada sehari itu sebanyak bilangan sembahyang setahun yg kita lakukan. Begitu juga pada hari Kedua dan ketiga.

Fitnah Dajjal:

Dajjal telah diberi peluang oleh Allah swt utk menguji umat ini. Oleh kerana itu, Allah memberikan kepadanya beberapa kemampuan yg luar biasa. Di antara kemampuan Dajjal ialah:

* Segala kesenangan hidup akan ada bersama dengannya.

Benda-benda beku akan mematuhinya.Sebelum kedatangan Dajjal, dunia Islam akan diuji dahulu oleh Allah dgnkemarau panjang selama 3 tahun berturut-turut. Pada tahun pertama hujan akan kurang sepertiga dari biasa dan pada tahun kedua akan kurang 2/3 dari biasadan tahun ketiga hujan tidak akan turun langsung. Umat akan dilandakebuluran dan kekeringan. Di saat itu Dajjal akan muncul membawa ujian. Maka daerah mana yg percaya Dajjal itu Tuhan, ia akan berkata pada awan: Hujanlah kamu di daerah ini! Lalu hujan pun turunlah dan bumi menjadi subur. Begituj uga ekonomi, perdagangan akan menjadi makmur dan stabil pada org yg bersekutu dgn Dajjal. Manakala penduduk yg tidak mahu bersukutu dgn Dajjal..mereka akan tetap berada dlm kebuluran dan kesusahan.

Dan ada diriwayatkan penyokong Dajjal akan memiliki segunung roti (makanan) sedangkan org yg tidak percaya dengannya berada dalam kelaparan dan kebuluran.
Dalam hal ini, para sahabat Rasullullah s.a.w. bertanya:”Jadi apa yg dimakan oleh org Islam yg beriman pada hari itu wahai Rasulullah?”Nabi menjawab:”Mereka akan merasa kenyang dengan bertahlil, bertakbir, bertasbih dan bertaubat. Jadi zikir-zikir itu yang akan menggantikan makanan.” H.R Ibnu Majah

* Ada bersamanya seumpamanya Syurga dan Neraka:

Di antara ujian Dajjal ialah kelihatan bersama dengannya seumpama syurga dan neraka dan juga sungai air dan sungai api. Dajjal akan menggunakan kedua-duanya ini untuk menguji iman org Islam kerana hakikat yg benar adalah sebalik dari apa yg kelihatan. Apa yg dikatakan Syurga itu sebenarnya Nerakadan apa yg dikatakannya Neraka itu adalah Syurga.

* Kepantasan perjalanan dan Negeri-Negeri yang tidak dapat dimasukinya:

Kepantasan yg dimaksudkan ini tidak ada pada kenderaan org dahulu. Kalauhari ini maka bolehlah kita mengatakan kepantasan itu seperti kepantasan jet-jet tempur yg digunakan oleh tentera udara atau lebih pantas lagidaripada kenderaan tersebut sehinggakan beribu-ribu kilometer dapat ditempuhdalam satu jam”… Kami bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah! Bagaimana kepantasan perjalanannya diatas muka bumi ini? Nabi menjawab:”Kepantasan perjalanannya adalah seperti kepantasan “Al Ghaist” (hujan atauawan) yang dipukul oleh angin yang kencang.” H.R Muslim
Namun demikian, Dajjal tetap tidak dapat memasuki dua Bandar suci umat Islam yaitu Makkah Al Mukarramah dan Madinah Al Munawwarah.

* Bantuan Syaitan-Syaitan untuk memperkukuhkan kedudukannya:

Syaitan juga akan bertungkus-lumus membantu Dajjal. Bagi syaitan, inilah masa yg terbaik utk menyesatkan lebih ramai lagi anak cucu Adam a.s.

How to Wire a Car Stereo Sound System

Quality Work With An Affordable Price
Contact Mr.Pojie +6017-6477528

Wiring your car stereo system yourself is a relatively simple process for those with even the most basic knowledge of electrical wiring or automotive repair, and is a great way to save money on your car stereo system.



  • Guide to removing the dash and speaker panels of your car
  • Pliers
  • 9 volt battery
  • Utility knife
  • Wire cutters
  • Screwdrivers
  • Small piece of sand paper.
  • Wire strippers
  • Amplifier wiring kit
  • Electrical tape

    Overview of Car Stereo Systems

  1. 1
    Understand the basics of all car stereo systems. A car stereo system consists of 4 main components and the wiring that connects them. These are the head unit, the main speakers, optional amplifiers and the subwoofers, which are also optional but generally considered a necessary part of any good system.
  2. 2
    Know that the core of any car stereo is the head unit, which is the cassette or CD player that goes in the dash. All the other components are connected to the head unit by at least one pair of wires.
  3. 3
    Know about car speakers. The main speakers are usually 2 in the front and 2 in the back, although with what are known as component speakers, each speaker is broken down into two speakers: one for the highs and one for the bass. Each speaker or speaker set (known as a channel) connects to the head unit via a pair of wires. Generally if you are installing a new head unit you want to install new speakers.
  4. 4
    Know about amplifiers. Amplifiers provide extra power to your speakers and/or extra channels of power for additional speakers. The most common use for an amplifier (amp) is to power subwoofers. The amp connects to your head unit via an RCA cable and often a "remote on" wire, and also connects directly to your car battery through a fused "hot" wire and to the car's chassis with a short ground wire. This article assumes the use of a single amplifier connected to a pair of subwoofers. If you do not have these components simply ignore the steps specific to the amp, doing so will not affect the rest of your installation.
  5. 5
    Know about subwoofers. Subwoofers are part of any good stereo system. They provide the deep bass that small speakers cannot achieve. Subwoofers are connected to the amplifier which can usually be mounted right to the subwoofer box. If you do not have subwoofers you can simply ignore the steps specific to them.
  6. Preparing for the Installation

  7. 1
    Be properly prepared. This is extremely important since you do not want to realize you're missing something in the middle of the installation.
  8. 2
    Purchase the following: A car stereo wire harness which connects the existing wiring for your old head unit to your new one (this will be specific to BOTH the model and year of your car AND to the make of your new head unit); an amplifier wiring kit which will contain all the wires to get power and signal to your amplifier; six feet of 14-gauge speaker wire for the subwoofers. Your speakers should have come with their own speaker wires.
  9. 3
    Obtain a guide to removing the dash, doors panels (or whatever compartment the speakers are in), and floor molding of your car. You may be able to find a guide for this online. If not, you can get a repair manual for your car at most automotive stores and online).
  10. 4
    Gather the following tools: Screwdrivers to fit the job, pliers, wire cutters, wire strippers, a utility knife, sand paper or a file, electrical tape, a 9-volt battery, and any other tools that the instructions for installing the head unit and your car guides specify.
  11. The Installation

  12. 1
    Disconnect the ground (negative) cable from your battery first and foremost. NEVER work on the electrical system of your car with this connected.
  13. 2
    Install your new speakers. Start by removing the paneling of the speaker enclosure. Unscrew and disconnect the old speaker.

    Ideally the speaker wire will be connected to the old speakers with a metal clip that can then slide right on to your new ones. If not, cut the wire off the old speakers, strip about half an inch of it, then cut the last 6 inches or so off the speaker wire that came with your speakers so you have the proper connectors with a little wire attached, strip a half inch of those wires and twist connect them to the existing speaker wire. Bend the twists so they are in-line with the wire and wrap each connection in electrical tape so no wire is showing to protect them.

    Attach the connectors to your new speaker. Make sure to connect the negative wire (-/black) to the negative terminal on the speaker and the positive wire (+/red or white) to the positive one. Screw the speaker in place. If you have component speakers, and therefore a crossover, make sure the crossover is secured in the speaker compartment so that it does not bounce around while you drive.

    Wait to put the speaker enclosures back together until you have installed the head unit.
  14. 3
    Follow the instructions you got for removing whatever part of the dash covers it and take out your existing head unit. Connect the car stereo wire harness to the connector that was attached to your old radio and attach the other end to your new one. Connect the antenna cable (the single wire with the big plug at the end) to your new head unit as well.

    If the speaker wires are separate from the harness connect them using the method of stripping, twisting, and taping described above. Do this one at a time or use masking tape to label the wire to avoid confusion. If you are having trouble figuring out which wires go to which speaker or which is positive and negative read the tip at the bottom of this section.

    Do not put your new head unit into the dash yet-you still need to connect the amplifier to it. Put the speaker enclosures back together now.
  15. 4
    Attach the thick positive (+/red) power cable for your amplifier to the connector on positive terminal of your battery. The kit you purchased should have come with an o-ring on one end of the wire (you may have to crimp it on yourself, if so do it on the end with the fuse), this ring can be sandwiched in the bolt on the connector that connects your car to the battery.
  16. 5
    Put the fuse in the fuse holder.
  17. 6
    Run the power cable through the firewall of your car (there is usually an opening on the drivers side) and along to the back of the car where your amp is. It is usually best to run this wire under the plastic molding that goes along the bottom edge of your car, you never want the power cable to come near any speaker wires. At the same time run the remote on wire (a really thin wire from the amplifier wiring kit), through the dash where the head unit will sit, along with the power cable to the amp.
  18. 7
    On the other side of the car run the RCA signal cable through the dash from the head unit to the amp (it's a pair of wires together with connectors on each end).
  19. 8
    In the back of the car pick exactly where your amp and subwoofers are going to go. Part of choosing this is that the thick black ground cable (negative) needs to have a place to connect to the metal frame of your car. This should be as short as possible, you never want the ground cable to be longer than 3 feet.
  20. 9
    Find a good screw or bolt, take if off and sandpaper the metal surface that the o-ring will make contact with, then screw it down tightly.
  21. 10
    Attach the RCA signal cable and the remote on cable to your head unit and attach the power, ground, RCA signal, and remote on wires to your amp.
  22. 11
    If you have not already done so, place your subwoofer box in the trunk and attach your amplifier to it if that is what you are doing. If you are not going to screw your amp to the subwoofer box then it must be secured to something else.
  23. 12
    Attach the 14-gauge speaker wires to the left and right channels of the amplifier and to the speaker connectors of the subwoofer box.
  24. 13
    Mount your head unit into the dash. Double check all of the connections on the back of it to make sure they are secure. Then slide your head unit into its slot in the dash and screw it securely in place. Before you re-attach the dash, reconnect the ground (negative) cable to your car battery and turn the stereo on and move around the car listening to each speaker to make sure everything is working properly. Then put the dash back on. You are all done!


  • If you are preparing to hook up speaker wires and you are not sure which is negative and which is positive or which wires go to which speaker, take a 9-volt battery and touch the speaker wires to the the battery. One of the speakers will move. If the speaker moves forward (or out), then you have touched the positive lead of the speaker to the positive terminal of the battery. If the speaker moves back (or in) then the wire touching the positive terminal of the battery is the negative speaker wire.
  • Never have your speaker or signal wires run near your amplifier's power cables. If they must cross do so perpendicularly and only in one spot.
  • Never EVER work on the electrical system of your car with the ground wire attached to the battery. You can damage yourself and your equipment.